Step 1 – Play trough the Game and collect everything
You can play the XIII Remake on any difficulty you want, nothing is too bad and on “Sleep of Walk” it’s almost boring to play. Enjoy the story and the many bugs, glitches, and technical issues this game has to offer. During this playthrough try to collect all 20 Documents and the 34 Golden Figures. See Catch them all for a video guide with the location of all 54 Collectibles. Nothing is missable. You can replay finished missions at any time you want.
Step 2 – Use the Ending Glitch
As the game gives you only one trophy for finishing the story, but you need 3, you could now play the game two more times. But I would recommend using the Ending Glitch. SeeAuthentic XIII Agent for more information.
Step 3 – Clean up
Now it’s time to clean up the rest. Maybe you already got a few trophies but potentially you need for example Finish him or Spring break.
Trophy Guide
Ultimate XIII Obtain all the trophies of the game.
That was easy! Complete the campaign on easy difficulty
The trophies are not stackable, so you will not unlock all trophies if you play on the highest difficulty. You have to play 3 times through the game to unlock all trophies.
Luckily there is a way to avoid this. See the Video Guide below for more information.
Untouchable Complete a level without being damaged.
► A good mission to do this is “Spads Base – Covert Operation”. The mission is very short and you only need to kill one enemy after opening the drain gate. Use your knife before he sees you. After that, you only will cross the enemies on the bridge. Wait until they don’t stand in the middle of the bridges and swing across. The trophy will unlock after you end the mission.
You can easily combine this with Pacifist. See the video guide below for more information.
Pacifist Make it through a level without shooting anyone.
► A good mission to do this is “Spads Base – Covert Operation”.
See Untouchable for more information and a video guide.
Get good Die more than 25 times.
► To unlock this trophy just die at least 26 times on one savegame. It’s really common that this trophy will unlock automatically, especially during your hard mode run. If not, repeat a level and get killed until the trophy unlocks.
Davy Jones Locker Have XIII drown.
► You need to jump into the water and swim down under the surface and wait there until you die because you run out of air. It doesn’t work in the Mission “Kellownee Lake – Exploration”, because you will freeze to death and not drown.
Missions with water where you can drown:
Brighton Beach – Invasion
Plain Rock Prison – Detention
Spads Base – Covert Operation
Spads Base – Sabotage
Spads Base – Assault
Resolute Base – Intrusion
Resolute Base – Identification
Sanctuary – Sunset Sanctuary
Stealth master Eliminate 5 enemies in a row without alerting them.
► When an enemy sees you a question mark above is heading is raising up and he will notice you and be alert. Eliminate 5 enemies in a row before this happens. You can do this in many different levels, but there are some missions where it’s easier. A good mission is for example “FBI Headquarter – Interrogation”. The first enemy would be the FBI guy standing on the desk in Office 305 (the room where you need to crouch through the air vent. The second enemy is waiting at the end of the air vent. After that try to use the air vents and eliminate all enemies in the area. After the fifth, the trophy will unlock.
Headhunter Eliminate 15 enemies with a headshot in one level.
► A good mission to unlock this trophy is the mission “Mountains – Interception”. You start with a Sniper Rifle, even if you start this by mission select and there are enough enemies around, also a lot of them appear in a greater distance. See the Video Guide below for more information.
Tough guy Eliminate 5 enemies with your fists in a row.
► Unequip your weapon by pressing and punch 5 enemies with your fist in a row by pressing . Restart a checkpoint or dying will reset the counter. If you are having trouble with this play on Sleep Walk. You can do this everywhere but good spots are mission where you are not allowed to kill the enemies. For example “Winslow Bank – Investigation” or “Mental Asylum – Fugitive”.
Join the Creed Stab 15 enemies from behind without being noticed.
► For this trophy, you need a Throwing Knife in your inventory, which you find in many different missions, for example in “FBI Headquarter – Interrogation” in the air vent you must crouch through. You can throw the Knife by pressing or, and that’s what you need to do, stab with the knife by pressing . Sneak to an enemy and stab him in the back. Do this 15 times (not in a row) and the trophy will unlock.
Finish him Destroy the armor of a fully armored enemy, then kill him with a melee attack.
► To unlock this trophy you need to destroy the vest and helmet from an enemy and then punch him to death. You can find this kind of enemy for example in the Mission “Emerald Base – Insertion”, in the garage where you need to pull the trigger to power the generator. Don’t use the big artillery on the elevator for this. Try to hit the enemy only at his vest and helmet, fire single bullets at him to aim better. After the armor dropped off (helmet and vest) go to him and punch him until he is dead.
Note: This might need some more tries, as the trophy is very buggy. Just try it over and over again. For me, it took around 10 tries.
Invincible Eliminate 10 enemies without getting hurt.
► Start a playthrough on the lowest difficulty “Sleep Walk” if you having trouble with this one. A good way is to use a sniper weapon, so you can eliminate the enemies from a great distance without getting hurt. A good point with a lot of enemies and open space is “Mountains – Extraction”.
Medic! Find 10 medkits.
► You can find medikits basically everywhere in the game. You will unlock this trophy most likely during naturally playing at the very beginning of the game.
Authentic cowboy Eliminate 6 enemies with one magazine of the Revolver.
► The weapons name in the game is .44 Magnum and not Revolver. Open the weapon menu with and choose the weapon on the left side. Kill with each of the 6 shots, one enemy. It has to be one full magazine and 6 kills in row and not 6 enemies in a row with reloading. If you are having trouble with this, do this on a lower difficulty. You can also combine this trophy with Do you feel lucky?
Do you feel lucky? Kill an enemy with the last bullet of the revolver.
► The weapons name in the game is .44 Magnum and not Revolver. Open the weapon menu with and choose the weapon on the left side. Empty your magazine until only one bullet is left and kill an enemy with this last bullet, make a headshot to be safe.
Sniper expert Eliminate 5 enemies in a row with the Dragunov.
► The Name “Dragunov” doesn’t exist in the game. The weapon is just called “Sniper Rifle” and you will find it for the first time at the beginning of the Mission “Rooftops – Departure”. Kill 5 enemies with the Dragunov to unlock this trophy. It seems that the trophy only unlocks if you don’t miss a shot. So 5 shots, 5 kills and you will unlock the trophy.
Note: It seems that the trophy only unlocks if you don’t miss a shot. So 5 shots, 5 kills and you will unlock the trophy.
Boom! All dead! Eliminate 3 or more enemies with one grenade.
► A good spot to do this trophy is in the mission “Canyons – Getaway”. At the end of the mission, you will come to a point where you need to use the zipline straight to a little windmill. After a short walk down a path, you will find a Bazooka on the left side (along with a document). You can grab that Bazooka and Ammo and turn to the main path. You will reach a checkpoint and a lot of enemies will spawn in the canyon. Let them group together and hold . It’s easier if you don’t throw the grenade and if you let it explode in your hand. It doesn’t matter if you kill yourself. The enemies have no time to run away. If you fail restart the checkpoint and try again.
► You need to unlock 15 locked doors to unlock this trophy. To unlock doors you need your lockpick set or you need to find a specific magnetic card. You will unlock this trophy mostly around the missions in the Emerald Base. There are way more than 15 doors in the game you have to open, so don’t worry about that trophy.
Monster kill Kill 4 enemies at once with the Bazooka.
► A good spot to do this trophy is in the mission “Canyons – Getaway”. At the end of the mission you will come to a point where you need to use the zipline straight to a little windmill. After a short walk down a path, you will find a Bazooka on the left side (along with a document). Grab that Bazooka and Ammo and turn to the main path. You will reach a checkpoint and a lot of enemies will spawn in the canyon. Let them group together and then shoot them. It doesn’t matter if you kill yourself. If you fail restart the checkpoint and try again.
► You can find armor vests and helmets everywhere in the game. You pick them up automatically by walking over them. To unlock this trophy you need to find 20 vests or helmets. There are way more than 20 to find in the game, so don’t worry about this trophy.
I am a tank now Get full armor.
► You can find armor vests and helmets everywhere in the game. You pick them up automatically by walking over them. To unlock this trophy you need to reach the maximum armor stat, which is 100. You can see how much armor you have on the left bottom corner on the yellow bar.
Friendly neighborhood Swings from a grappling hook to another 3 times without touching the floor.
► A good point to do this in the mission “Spads Base – Cover Operation”. After the second long diving part through the drain, you will stand on a pipe under two bridges. At the bottom of the bridges, you can find a hook. Press to use your grappling hook and swing around. Jump to the next hook, turn around and jump back to the first one, turn around and jump back another time and the trophy will unlock. If you fail you will fall down and you will restart right on the pipe.
Another spot is shortly after the start of the mission “Spads Base – Assault”, after crouching through the air vent, in the big hall you can find four hooks on the ceiling.
Bar fighter Eliminate 20 enemies with improvised weapons.
► You can find nearly everywhere in the game objects you can use as a weapon. For example wooden chairs, brooms, bottles, or ashtrays. You can pick them up by pressing , after that use them by pressing . Kill 20 enemies by doing so to unlock this trophy. If you having trouble with this on a higher difficulty, start a new game on easy.
Last word Empty the Revolver using the alternative fire mode without missing any shots.
► Most of the weapons have an alternative fire mode you can use by pressing . The Revolvers’ alternative mode is shooting the whole magazine at once. The best way to do this is by shooting at a strong enemy, for example, a Boss. The first and easiest Boss fight is in the mission “Mental Asylum – Fugitive”. Go close to the enemy and shoot all 6 bullets into him and the trophy will unlock.
Spring break Crash everything at the beach house.
BuggyChapter Specific
► This trophy is only doable in the mission “Brighton Beach – Invasion”. You need to crash every destroyable object in the beach house you wake up and the mission starts. After your lifesaver got shot, kill the two guys walking around the house and don’t destroy anything. Go outside and let the helicopter pass away. After that go back to the house and destroy everything you can. It can happen that if you destroy something before the helicopter flew away the trophy doesn’t unlock.
You need to destroy the following objects:
Every window (also the 2 small windows hidden behind a curtain)
the three doors
all bottles and jars on the tables
the radio on the table
all glass front panels from the cabinets
all detox jars inside these cabinets
the two fire extinguisher (shoot them)
See the Video Guide below for more information.
Sting like a bee Destroy a punching bag.
Chapter Specific
► In the mission “Interrogation” in the FBI Headquarters you come to a point where you need to crouch to an air vent in Office 305. After this, you come to a more open area, where you can find on the right hand a Gym with two punching bags inside. Shoot one of them to unlock this trophy.
Pass out Reach the truck in Brighton Beach.
Story Unmissable
► You will unlock this trophy automatically after some first cutscenes and a short walk on the beach, at the end of the mission “Brighton Beach – Awakening”
Expert Pilot Escape the Canyons on a jet.
Story Unmissable
► You will unlock this trophy automatically at the end of the mission “Canyons – Escape” after reaching the jet in the canyons.
Get to the choppa Complete the Sanctuary cliff section in under 3 minutes.
Time Limited Chapter Specific
► The trophy is only doable in the Mission “Sanctuary – Cliffhanger”. To unlock this trophy you need to finish the mission in under 3 minutes. Play on an easier difficulty if you have problems with it.
See the video guide below for more information.
Not so secret now Find the secret entrance to the Sanctuary.
Story Unmissable
► You will unlock this trophy automatically at the end of the mission “Sanctuary – Sunset Sanctuary” after breaking the cross on the altar and going down in the tomb.
Infiltration Completed Find a way into Emerald Base.
Story Unmissable
► You will unlock this trophy at the end of the Mission “Emerald Base – Insertion” after finding the entrance to the base through the air vents.
Yet Another Mystery Find your first document
► You can find 20 documents throughout the whole game. There are briefcases/files with the word “Confidential” on the front. You can check what you are missing in the Dossier in the Main Menu. Each document unlocks an entry in the dossier under the tab “Confidential”.
See Catch them all for a video guide with the location of all 54 Collectibles.
Amateur Investigator Find 5 documents
► You can find 20 documents throughout the whole game. There are briefcases/files with the word “Confidential” on the front. You can check what you are missing in the Dossier in the Main Menu. Each document unlocks an entry in the dossier under the tab “Confidential”.
See Catch them all for a video guide with the location of all 54 Collectibles.
Private eye Find 10 documents
► You can find 20 documents throughout the whole game. There are briefcases/files with the word “Confidential” on the front. You can check what you are missing in the Dossier in the Main Menu. Each document unlocks an entry in the dossier under the tab “Confidential”.
See Catch them all for a video guide with the location of all 54 Collectibles.
I know too much Find 15 documents
► You can find 20 documents throughout the whole game. There are briefcases/files with the word “Confidential” on the front. You can check what you are missing in the Dossier in the Main Menu. Each document unlocks an entry in the dossier under the tab “Confidential”.
See Catch them all for a video guide with the location of all 54 Collectibles.
Now I understand Find all the documents
Collectible Buggy
► You can find 20 documents throughout the whole game. There are briefcases/files with the word “Confidential” on the front. Each document unlocks an entry in the dossier under the tab “Confidential”. You find the dossier only in the Main Menu.
See Catch them all for a video guide with the location of all 54 Collectibles.
Buggy: It can happy that the trophy doesn’t unlock even if you collected everything and everything showed up correctly in the dossier. The only known solution is to go through every level again and look if one collectible didn’t get collected. It also can happen that the collectible isn’t visible in the game but you can pick it up and unlock the trophy.
Treasure found Find your first collectible item.
► There are 34 little, golden statues hidden in the game. Each of the statues unlocks an entry in the dossier in the Main Menu. There are 20 Character Collectibles and 14 Weapon Collectibles. You can check what you are missing in the Dossier in the Main Menu.
See Catch them all for a video guide with the location of all 54 Collectibles.
Catch them all Find all collectible items.
Collectible Buggy
There are 34 little, golden statues hidden in the game. Each of the statues unlocks an entry in the dossier in the Main Menu. There are 20 Character Collectibles and 14 Weapon Collectibles. You can check what you are missing in the Dossier in the Main Menu. Check out the Video Guide below for the location of all 54 Collectibles.
Buggy: It can happy that the trophy doesn’t unlock even if you collected everything and everything showed up correctly in the dossier. The only known solution is to go through every level again and look if one collectible didn’t get collected. It also can happen that the collectible isn’t visible in the game but you can pick it up and unlock the trophy.
Update:Multiple collectibles changed their positions with previous game updates!
Weapon #04 – It moved to the toilet in the room before you went through the vent
Character #01 – Same area as in the video. Opposite from where you enter (near where you exit) on some barrels next to a tent
Weapon #09 – It’s slightly to the left of the original spot behind some boxes
Weapon #11 – After rescuing the President and the following cutscene go to the first right you see, then head down the corridor to the room marked ”Locker Room”. Break the middle mirror and it’s behind the mirror.
25 thoughts on “XIII (Remake) – Trophy Guide”
J’ai un bug avec attrapez les tous, pourtant j’ai tous ramasse aurais tu une solution, même Sony n’a pas pu me résoudre le problème.. ?
Hello Christopher, thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, you are not alone with this problem. The game is buggy as hell and I received a lot of messages with buggy trophies and I’m not able to do anything against that. It seems that one ore even more collectibles didn’t get tracked after collecting and for now the only solution is to collect everything again. Sorry about that. Kind Regards. Tom
Thanks Tom for this guide even if I didn’t manage to get all the trophies 🏆 cause this game is wrecked n’y so much glitches (running on PS5 and the latest v1.05)
You don’t have to play through the whole game again. Have a look in game what you are missing, check the timestamps in my video (I have a chronological and an item-based order for the timestamps), and then use the chapter select to go for just what you are missing :)
Tom, I just want to thank you for this awesome guide and very detailed walkthrough. Gonna start my campaign on the hardest difficulty available, yes, I love to suffer!
Keep up the good work and keep delivering more amazing guides!
This video was made with version 1.02.
But users reported me that the following versions also worked:
1.03 – is confirmed to work
1.04 – is confirmed to work
1.05 – is confirmed to work
1.06 – is confirmed to work
I’m missing the collectible for Character 1 and weapon 11. The trophy isn’t in the spot shown in your video. Aside from completely playing through the game again to collect everything. Is there anything else that can be done two items so that I can get the platinum for the game?
Sniper expert trophy not popping for me… my final trophy. Sometimes I even kill 10 enemies without missing a single shot and … nothing. Any ideas/tips?
hello tom thank you very much for your excellent guide it helped me a lot to make several trophies and there is hardly any information on the internet, I have a big problem with the trophy of killing the guy with armor and then melee, I have done it about 40 times and no I get nothing in version 1.07 I’m playing, I repeat it by making a checkpoint and nothing, I do it by saving and loading the same game again and neither, and I also exit the game and go back to the chapter selector and nothing, and delete the game I reinstalled without internet and in version 1.00 but it is very complicated to remove the suit and then kill it with blows even so it doesn’t come out, I don’t know what else to do I only have this trophy left, and I’m desperate for any help? Thanks a lot.
Thanks again dude, used this months ago on the glitchy game and the new PS5 version this week. A few collectibles moved like you said except for one on the PS5, the difficulty trophy glitch still works like a charm on version 1.001.
Great guide, found it really helpful.
Any chance you could tell me where to get the .44 magnum? I can’t get authentic cowboy or last word to pop with the revolver.
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J’ai un bug avec attrapez les tous, pourtant j’ai tous ramasse aurais tu une solution, même Sony n’a pas pu me résoudre le problème.. ?
Hello Christopher, thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, you are not alone with this problem. The game is buggy as hell and I received a lot of messages with buggy trophies and I’m not able to do anything against that. It seems that one ore even more collectibles didn’t get tracked after collecting and for now the only solution is to collect everything again. Sorry about that. Kind Regards. Tom
Hey 👋🏻
Thanks Tom for this guide even if I didn’t manage to get all the trophies 🏆 cause this game is wrecked n’y so much glitches (running on PS5 and the latest v1.05)
Take care ✌🏻
Hey buddy,
Oh no. What trophy do you miss? Yes, it’s really sad to see this game so broken.
Greetings Tom :)
It’s all the collectibles ones (3 trophies) but I know you’ve done a video of it.
Going back redoing the game isn’t really fun at this point so I’ll do that in a few week I guess 😅
You don’t have to play through the whole game again. Have a look in game what you are missing, check the timestamps in my video (I have a chronological and an item-based order for the timestamps), and then use the chapter select to go for just what you are missing :)
Tom, I just want to thank you for this awesome guide and very detailed walkthrough. Gonna start my campaign on the hardest difficulty available, yes, I love to suffer!
Keep up the good work and keep delivering more amazing guides!
Hello Tom. With which version / patch did you play the game? It would be a shame if the Glitch difficulty level were patched in the current version.
This video was made with version 1.02.
But users reported me that the following versions also worked:
1.03 – is confirmed to work
1.04 – is confirmed to work
1.05 – is confirmed to work
1.06 – is confirmed to work
Where is 49 ? M60 ?
From your video its not in that location ?
The position of some collectibles changed with previous game patches. I updated the Trophy Description with the new locations.
1.09 – Glitch still work
I’m missing the collectible for Character 1 and weapon 11. The trophy isn’t in the spot shown in your video. Aside from completely playing through the game again to collect everything. Is there anything else that can be done two items so that I can get the platinum for the game?
The position of some collectibles changed with previous game patches. I updated the Trophy Description with the new locations.
Sniper expert trophy not popping for me… my final trophy. Sometimes I even kill 10 enemies without missing a single shot and … nothing. Any ideas/tips?
I have been having this exact issue as well. 5+ kills in a row, no misses and no trophy
I GOT IT!!! IT HAS TO BE HEADSHOTS not just regular kills, you MUST get 5 HEADSHOT kills in a row, got it on canyons – getaway
I also got shot in between getting 5 headshots, so you CAN get hit by enemy fire, you just have to land 5 headshots without missing
you should try to do headshot with the sniper i think
I GOT IT!!! IT HAS TO BE HEADSHOTS not just regular kills, you MUST get 5 HEADSHOT kills in a row, got it on canyons – getaway
I also got shot in between getting 5 headshots, so you CAN get hit by enemy fire, you just have to land 5 headshots without missing
hello tom thank you very much for your excellent guide it helped me a lot to make several trophies and there is hardly any information on the internet, I have a big problem with the trophy of killing the guy with armor and then melee, I have done it about 40 times and no I get nothing in version 1.07 I’m playing, I repeat it by making a checkpoint and nothing, I do it by saving and loading the same game again and neither, and I also exit the game and go back to the chapter selector and nothing, and delete the game I reinstalled without internet and in version 1.00 but it is very complicated to remove the suit and then kill it with blows even so it doesn’t come out, I don’t know what else to do I only have this trophy left, and I’m desperate for any help? Thanks a lot.
Thanks again dude, used this months ago on the glitchy game and the new PS5 version this week. A few collectibles moved like you said except for one on the PS5, the difficulty trophy glitch still works like a charm on version 1.001.
Do you know where to find weapon no.4 on the ps5 its not in the toilet as in the Guide described would be glad if someone helps me out
hey i can’t found the m16 figurine in any toilet during the emeraud base rescue mission
hello i need your help on character collection number 1 in mission 18 thanks
i play a version PS5
Great guide, found it really helpful.
Any chance you could tell me where to get the .44 magnum? I can’t get authentic cowboy or last word to pop with the revolver.