TAXI CHAOS – Trophy Guide



February 23, 2021 | Platform: PlayStation / Xbox / Switch / PC
Developer: Team6 | Publisher: Lion Castle

1 5 13 10

If this Guide for TAXI CHAOS helped you out, you can say thank you by buying me a coffee.

►Roadmap ►Trophy Guide ►YouTube Playlist

Difficulty: 4/10 Time: 5 hours Playthroughs: 1

Online Trophies: 
Missable Trophies: 
Story Related: 
Unmissable Trophies:
Chapter Specific:
Difficulty Specific: 
Buggy Trophies: 


Step 1 – Play the Arcade Mode and drop of 100 customers

Nothing is missable. You have access to Freeroam at any time.
There is no map or compass in the game.

That’s why every video starts at the water fountain (Royal Park Hotel) next to the Central Park.


I determine that the coastline is in the south and the basketball court is in the north. The Central Park is in the northern part of the city.


To get a better feeling of the map and to unlock your first cars play at least 20 Arcade Missions and drop of 100 customers. By doing this you will unlock the Va Veloce a decent car that makes a 5-star rating much easier. You also need a fast car to collect some of the collectibles.

Don’t forget to switch between the characters, after you played for one hour with one of them, to get ITALIAN ON THE JOB &  #DJTAXIGURL


Step 2 – Complete all Special Customers Quest Lines & Reach the highest point

Now it’s time to find all 10 special Customers and collect all of their items.

Note: the items only appearing after you found the special customer. There are 5 steps to complete the quest lines:


Step 1 – Find the special customer on the map & bring him to the requested destination
Step 2 – Now 3 collectible items appearing on the map – collect all of them
Step 3 – Now the special customer spawns on the map – find and deliver him
Step 4 – Same as Step 2
Step 5 – Same as Step 3


A list of all 10 customers:

After completing all special customer quest lines it’s time to reach the highest point on the map to unlock A LITTLE LIGHT HEADED


Step 3 – Get a 5 Star Rating in Arcade & Pro Mode

Now you should know the map very well and you can start to work on the 5 star rating. Practice in the Arcade Mode until you got 5 stars there. After beating the Arcade Mode it’s time for the Pro Mode. In Pro Mode, you don’t have the little arrow above your car available, which means you need to know the map very well and you have to find the destination on your own. But with a little bit of practice, this should be doable. See MENTAL MAPPER for more information and a video guide. By doing this you should survive for 3 minutes or longer and unlock EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH. Also, you should drop off 20 customers in a single run and unlock A FLASH OF YELLOW.

Trophy Guide

Unlock all trophies
In Arcademode, earn a total star rating of 3 or higher
► See MENTAL MAPPER for more information.
In Arcademode, earn a total star rating of 5 or higher
► See MENTAL MAPPER for more information.
In Pro Mode, earn a total star rating of 3 or higher
► See MENTAL MAPPER for more information.
In Pro Mode, earn a total star rating of 5 or higher
► First, you need to unlock the Pro Mode, to do so you need to get a 4 star rating or higher in Arcade Mode. I recommend you play 5 missions in Arcade Mode and drop off 100 customers first to unlock better cars like the Va Veloce. With this car, it’s much easier to get a higher star rating. You will get a higher rating if you drive crazy and do some jumps, take shortcuts, drive close to other cars, and drive at high speed. Drive at high speed is much easier with the Va Veloce. If you drive 200 miles you will unlock the TXI 4R, a really fast car, with it it’s much easier to get a higher rating. Make sure you have an eye at the timer and if you see that a passenger wants to travel far away and you think you don’t make it in time, drop him off by holding and search for another passenger.


In Pro Mode you don’t have the little arrow above your car available, which means you need to know the map very well and you have to find the destination on your own. Because there is no In-Game map it can be difficult to orientate. Practice in Arcade Mode or Freeroam and learn the different destinations before trying this.

Unlock the Yakan Type S
► There are 7 different cars in the game, each of them has different stats, like speed, acceleration, braking, weight and boost. The Yakan Type S is one of the best and fastest cars in the game. To unlock the Yakan Type S you need to collect 25 collectibles in any mode. I recommend the freeroam mode to do this. There are 60 collectibles in the game. See the different passenger quest lines for all collectibles.


Unlock the Va Veloce
►There are 7 different cars in the game, each of them has different stats, like speed, acceleration, braking, weight, and boost. The Va Veloce is one of the best and fastest cars in the game. To unlock the Va Veloce you need to drop off 300 customers in any mode. I recommend the arcade mode. So you will unlock the ’55 Tocsin and the 450 GT as well. After that, you can switch to freeroam if you want.
Unlock the Generic Motors B10
► There are 7 different cars in the game, each of them has different stats, like speed, acceleration, braking, weight, and boost. The Generic Motors B10 is a good starting car. To unlock the Generic Motors B10 you need to drive 200 miles in any mode. This will come naturally after a short amount of time. You need to drive 100 miles as well for BACK IN THE DAY
Unlock the TXI 4R
► There are 7 different cars in the game, each of them has different stats, like speed, acceleration, braking, weight, and boost. The TXI 4R is one of the best and fastest cars in the game. To unlock the TXI 4R you need to get a star rating of 4 in Pro Mode.


See MENTAL MAPPER for more information and a video guide.

Unlock all vehicles
► There are 7 different cars in the game, each of them has different stats, like speed, acceleration, braking, weight and boost. You will unlock this trophy after you unlocked all 7 of them.


Picture Name Speed Acc. Braking Weight Boost How to unlock Trophy
King Vic 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/6 Start Car
’55 Tocsin 4/6 4/6 2/6 2/6 3/6 Play 5 missions in Arcademode
450 GT 4/6 2/6 4/6 3/6 3/6 Play 20 missions in Arcademode
Generic Motors B10 4/6 5/6 2/6 6/6 2/6 Get a star rating of 4 in Pro Mode GENERIC MOTORS COMPANY
Va Veloce 6/6 4/6 3/6 1/6 3/6 Drop off 300 customers in Any Mode GO FAST?
Yakan Type S 4/6 5/6 2/6 4/6 6/6 Collect 25 collectibles in Any Mode IMPORT EXPERT
TXI 4R 6/6 6/6 4/6 2/6 4/6 Drive 200 miles TXI 4R
Complete the Xtreem Mascots quest line
► You will get this trophy after completing the quest line from Xtreem Mascots.


  • Find and deliver the Xtreem Mascots
    • he stands right next to the Subway Station at the 4th street (destination target) in the east of the town, near the construction site
    • he wants to travel to the Sunset Pier
  • Collect 3 of the Protein bars
    • between the Aeonian Square and the Subway Station at the 4th street
    • at the most east street in the game, near the Construction site
    • at the Coopersplay Plaza next to one of the two kiosks
  • Find and deliver the Xtreem Mascots again
    • he stands at the east waterside nearly the heliport (at the promenade)
    • he wants to travel to the Three-Pointers Courts
  • Collect 3 of the Protein bars
    • across from the Grandpa’s Style Shop (in the far north of the town) jump on a roof
    • on the right side of the entrance of the big museum at the Central Park
    • in a small alley between Noodle’s Park and Bright Deer’s Coffee in the east of the city
  • Find and deliver the Xtreem Mascots again
    • he stands in the Central Park between the small island and the Softball field
    • he wants to travel to the Big Pump Gym
Complete the Jerry Jones’ quest line
► You will get this trophy after completing the quest line from Jerry Jones.


  • Find and deliver Jerry Jones
    • he stands near the Heliport in a side street
    • he wants to travel to Bright Deer’s Coffee
  • Collect 3 of the Suitcases
    • at the Aeonian Square (Times Square) you will find a big ramp, use this ramp to jump onto the building with the hole, on the right side you can find the suitcase
    • in the park in front of the NYC City Hall in the southern part of the city
    • between the harbor and the heliport near a small plaza
  • Find and deliver Jerry Jones again
    • he stands in the street which faces the museum in the Central Park in the east of the city
    • he wants to travel to Sue Stain’s Laundromat
  • Collect 3 of the Suitcases
    • at the Aeonia Plaza (Time Square), use the big ramp to jump on the building with the hole. From this building jump to the right side across the street to the next building. Break to land on this building. Turn around and jump one step up to reach the suitcase
    • next to the Coffee Shop in the east of the city, you can find a secret basketball court on a roof. Jump up to where you can find a Lucky Clover, and jump up again to reach it
    • inside a small and hidden alley next to the big Coffee house in the northeast of the city
  • Find and deliver Jerry Jones again
    • he stands on the rooftop of Sue Stain’s Laundromat Store (where you left him before)
    • he wants to travel to the Subway Station on the 4th
Complete the Sandy Miller’s quest line
► You will get this trophy after completing the quest line from Sandy Miller.


  • Find and deliver Sandy Miller
    • she stands on a lawn at the harbor (Offshore Park) in the south of the city
    • she wants to travel to the Aeonian Square
  • Collect 3 of the Keychains
    • at the harbor (Offshore Park), nearly the same place where you find Sandy Miller
    • at the south edge of the Central Park
    • in front of the big Coffee House in the East of the city
  • Find and deliver Sandy Miller again
    • she stands right next to the keychain at the coffee
    • she wants to travel to the Regal State Tower
  • Collect 3 of the Keychains
    • the most west heading point on the map, at the waterside, near the Skate park
    • on top of the Triumph Arch in Downtown. Standing next to the Arch, facing north and you will see a small building between some high buildings. Jump on it, follow the path and jump across a street two times to the next building. Now you need to drive to the edge (you will see the Modern Art Gallery) and jump to the left up to the next rooftop, head to the left and jump to the next building (with the two white and red pillars on the roof). Now jump again across the street to the next building. Now you should see the Arch on the left side. Make your way as close as possible to the Arch and then use the Boost to jump to the keychain
    • use the same way as you used for the keychain before. Instead of jumping on the Arch jump on the building in the east (with the glass roof and the water tower). From there you can see the keychain one building higher across the street. Use the boost and jump to it.
  • Find and deliver Sandy Miller again
    • she stands nearly the Heliport in a side street (the same street where you can find Jerry Jones first time)
    • she wants to travel to the Freedom Park Monument
Complete the José Rodríguez’s quest line
► You will get this trophy after completing the quest line from José Rodríguez.


  • Find and deliver José Rodríguez
    • he stands right next to the basketball court in the north of the town
    • he wants to travel to the NYC Hospital
  • Collect 3 of the Lucky Clovers
    • on the basketball court in the north of the town
    • from the last collectible jump right next to it on the roof
    • close to the Noodle Restaurant in the East of the city. Under a framework at a corner of the street (if you jump onto this roof you come to a secret basketball court)
  • Find and deliver José Rodríguez again
    • he stands in the Central Park under some trees, next to the Softball Field
    • he wants to travel to the NYC Hospital again
  • Collect 3 of the Lucky Clovers
    • drive to the Aeonia Plaza (Times Square) and use the big ramp to jump onto the building with the hole. From this building jump slightly to the left to the next smaller building across the street, jump up again this time slowly, now turn right and you will find it next to a water tower (you can see it from the Central Park looking to the South)
    • in the Central Park on top of a bridge crossing the street
    • jump on the roof where you picked up Mr. Marino and Jacques Mouse in the far north-west corner of the map. Now head to the Central Park and jump from building to building. You find the Lucky Clover at the last building before the Central Park. You can also find a Coffee Cup there
  • Find and deliver José Rodríguez
    • he stands in an alley under a big Nikki Stix poster, a little bit north of the Noodle Restaurant in the east north of the map.
    • he wants to travel to the NYC Hospital again
Complete the Emma Ventour’s quest line
► You will get this trophy after completing the quest line from Emma Ventour.


  • Find and deliver Emma Ventour
    • she stands at the harbor next to the skate park, watching the sea.
    • she wants to travel to the Regal State Tower
  • Collect 3 of the News Cameras
    • in front of the NYC Hospital in the south part of the city (near the Coopersplay Plaza), next to the underground car park entrance
    • at the harbor – the same place where you found Emma Ventour herself.
    • at the harbor – behind the Offshore Plaza building
  • Find and deliver Emma Ventour again
    • she stands on the most east street of the city near the water in the south. Drive along the street until you see some flags. She stands in an alley between the building with the USA flags and the building with the World Flags
    • she wants to travel to the Three-Point Courts
  • Collect 3 of the News Cameras
    • standing in front of the Coopersplay Plaza facing to the South, head to the left, and jump up to the roof
    • at the Heliport behind a gas tank
    • at the end of the promenade in the southeast of the city, next to a small park and the Laundry Store
  • Find and deliver Emma Ventour again
    • she stands on the Three-Point Courts in the north of the city (where you delivered her one step before)
    • she wants to travel to the NY City Hall
Complete the Nikki Stix’s quest line
► You will get this trophy after completing the quest line from Nikki Stix.


  • Find and deliver Nikki Stix
    • he stands on a lawn at the harbor in the south of the city
    • he wants to travel to the Roach Dive Hotel
  • Collect 3 of the Hairspray Cans
    • across the Heliport at South East of the city, on a small plaza with stairs
    • on a roof of the harbor building (Offshore Park)
    • across the Triumphal Arch in the southern part of the city
  • Find and deliver Nikki Stix again
    • he stands in front of the Roach Dive Hotel (where you delivered him at the first step of his quest)
    • he wants to travel to the Grandpa’s Style Store
  • Collect 3 of the Hairspray Cans
    • on top of the construction side building in the east of the city, jump up the stairs to reach the top
    • next to the construction side you find the Rough Dive Hotel. On top of the canopy at the entrance of the building
    • from the construction side head north on the most east street, cross the hotel and you come to a plaza on the left side
  • Find and deliver Nikki Stix again
    • he stands in front of the Grandpa’s Style Store in the north of the city (where you delivered him before)
    • he wants to travel to the Wideroad Theatre
Complete the Risa López’s quest line
► You will get this trophy after completing the quest line from Risa López.


  • Find and deliver Risa López
    • she stands at the plaza in front of the Triumph Arch
    • she wants to travel to the Roach Dive Hotel
  • Collect 3 of the Whoopie Cushions
    • at the Coopersplay Plaza next to one of the two kiosks
    • under the Triumphal Arch in the southern part of the city
    • drive to the Triumph Arche and look to the east. You will see a Basketball Court on a rooftop. To reach it, jump on the roof some building to the left of the court and the turn to the right and jump up and across the street (the roof with the bush)
  • Find and deliver Risa López again
    • she stands right next to the Subway Station at the 4th avenue
    • she wants to travel to the Pond in the Central Park
  • Collect 3 of the Whoopie Cushions
    • drive to the south-western corner of the Central Park and you will see a fountain. Standing in front of the fountain facing south you see a small building with a framework on the right side. Jump on it. Follow the path and jump from building to building until you come to a rooftop with a water tower and a door on the left side. Jump to the left side across the street to the narrow canopy. Drive on this narrow edge until the end and turn left to find the Whoopie Cushion
    • you can see the next Whoopie Cushion from the last position. Look to your right. Jump to the roof to reach it.
    • from the last collectible head to the east to the construction site. You can find the last Whoopie Cushion on top of a container.
  • Find and deliver Risa López again
    • she stands inside the Offshore Park Building at the harbor (the circled, red and open building)
    • she wants to travel to the Freedom Park Monument
Complete the Mr. Marino’s quest line
► You will get this trophy after completing the quest line from Mr. Marino.


  • Find and deliver Mr. Marino
    • he stands at the far northern-west corner of the city, nearly the basketball court.
    • he wants to travel to the Construction Site
  • Collect 3 of the Toolboxes
    • in the Central Park under the bridge
    • across the Sinatra Cinema Building in the West of the city
    • near the Basketball court heading north
  • Find and deliver Mr. Marino again
    • he stands at the same place you found him on the first step
    • he wants to travel to the Subway Station on the 4th
  • Collect another 3 of the Toolboxes
    • drive to the position where you find Mr. Marino and jump up the roof, turn right, jump up onto the yellow building, jump to the next building across the street, turn left and you will find the toolbox hidden between two roofs (you can see it from the basketball court)
    • drive from the south-east corner of the Central Park (with the fountain) heading east. You will see it from the distance blinking on a wall.
    • in a small alley between Bright Deer’s Coffee and the Central Park / National Art Museum
  • Find and deliver Mr. Marino again
    • he stands at the same place you found him on the first step
    • he wants to travel to Sue Stain’s Laundromat
Complete the Jacques Mouse’s quest line
► You will get this trophy after completing the quest line from Jacques Mouse.


  • Find and deliver Jacques Mouse
    • he stands on the island in the Central Park
    • he wants to travel to the Seashore Park
  • Collect 3 of the Coffee Cups
    • in the Central Park heading north from the Obelisk and the Softball field
    • at the northern-west edge of the Central Park
    • in front of the Grandpa’s Style Shop in the far north of the city
  • Find and deliver Jacques Mouse again
    • he stands on a roof of a building in the far north-west corner of the map. Drive to the position of Mr. Marino and jump on the roof to reach him
    • he wants to travel to Harrison’s Smoooothies
  • Collect 3 of the Coffee Cups
    • on a rooftop in front of the Sinatra Cinema in the west of the city. to reach it you need to jump on a framework next to it on a small plaza, from the framework jump to the roof
    • in the far northeast corner of the city, upstairs on a small plaza
    • jump on the rooftop where you picked up Jacques Mouse just before, jump from building to building heading the Central Park, on the last building on the right side you can find the Cup behind a vent. You can also find a Lucky Clover there.
  • Find and deliver Jacques Mouse again
    • turn 180 degrees from the last Coffee Cup and jump up on the next roof to find him
    • he wants to travel to the Construction Site
Complete the El’iot T’yler’s quest line
► You will get this trophy after completing the quest line from El’iot T’yler.


  • Find and deliver El’iot T’yler
    • he stands on a roof across the Heliport in the southern-east part of the city
    • he wants to travel to the NYC Gallery of Art
  • Collect 3 of the Forgleflax Cloaks (Masks)
    • behind the Heliport
    • from the last collectible heading north behind the first building at the water (with the big “Free” Graffiti)
    • from the last collectible heading north at the second cross on the left side
  • Find and deliver El’iot T’yler again
    • he stands on a roof in Downtown. To reach the roof start at the Triumph Arch facing south and you will see a lower building between two higher buildings. Jump on the lower building and follow the path. You need to jump up three times together.
    • he wants to travel to the National Art Museum
  • Collect 3 of the Forgleflax Cloaks (Masks)
    • on a roof in the same area as you found El’iot T’yler himself. To reach it jump on the first same building as before. Instead of jump straight, turn left and use the ramp to reach the next building
    • on the top of the canopy at the entrance of the NYC City Hall in the southern part of the city
    • at the east waterside, you can find the Laundromat Store and next to it a park with some trees. Drive the street past the park and turn left at the first intersection you come by. At the next corner on the right side
  • Find and deliver El’iot T’yler again
    • he stands on a roof in the area of the Sinatra Cinema building. Drive to the south from the Cinema and jump up the building until you come across a big Cat Graffiti on the left side at the wall. At this point, you need to turn right, follow the path until you reach him
    • he wants to travel to the Heliport
Drop off 11 customers in a single run
► See A FLASH OF YELLOW for more information and a video guide.
Drop off 20 customers in a single run
►  I recommend you do this in Arcade Mode, making navigating much easier. I recommend you try to pick up customers with an orange or red location icon and a green or blue stopwatch icon. The location icon displays how far away the target destination is. Orange or red means you have to travel a long distance, but you will also get more opportunities to use shortcuts. Also, you don’t waste too much time letting the customer in and out. The stopwatch icon means how much time you get to reach the target. Green and blue is a good amount of time. After you reached the destination you will get credited half of the remaining time on your time account/timer. So having more time to reach the destination, means you will get more time as a bonus. And you need time, more than anything else to get this trophy. The star rating doesn’t matter and doesn’t affect the time. You get a higher rating/more money by having a high combo, but you will not get more time as a bonus. So try to be fast but don’t concentrate on the combo.


Note: All customers in town are standing always on the same spot, wanting to get to the same target and giving you the same amount of time. They are not random. So you can plan your route a little bit if you want or you could technically replay my route in the video guide below.

Unlock Pro Mode
► To unlock the Pro Mode you need to get a total rating of 4 stars or higher in the Arcade Mode. I recommend you unlock play 5 missions in Arcade Mode and drop off 100 customers first to unlock better cars like the Va Veloce. With this car, it’s much easier to get a higher star rating. You will get a higher rating if you drive crazy and do some jumps, take shortcuts, drive close to other cars, and drive at high speed. Drive at high speed is much easier with the Va Veloce. Make sure you have an eye at the timer and if you see that a passenger wants to travel far away and you think you don’t make it in time, drop him off by holding and search for another passenger. See MENTAL MAPPER for more information and a video guide.
Survive Pro Mode for 3 minutes, or longer
Time Limited
► See MENTAL MAPPER for more information and a video guide.
Reach the highest point in the map
► You can only get this trophy with the Yakan Type S or the TXI 4R.


Standing next to the Triumph Arch, facing north and you will see a small building between some high buildings. Jump on it, follow the path and jump across a street two times to the next building. Now you need to drive to the edge (you will see the Modern Art Gallery) and jump to the left up to the next rooftop, head to the left and jump to the next building (with the two white and red pillars on the roof). Now jump again across the street to the next building. Jump across the buildings, you will see the triumph arch on the right side and a building with a water tower on the roof in the distance. Now you need to get to the white building right next to this building with the water tower. Use your jumps and boost to reach it. When you are on this roof drive to the edge and look to the right and you will see a building with a bush, your target is the roof of this building. Use your boost, drive very close to the edge and jump as late as possible to reach it. Break hard to not fall down this roof. Now jump up twice, turn left, and jump to the higher building on the left side. Reaching this rooftop will unlock the trophy. It’s really hard to describe the path, so if you need more information check out the Video Guide below.

Drive a total of 100 miles
► This will come naturally during exploring the map and collecting all collectibles. If not drive around for some time to unlock the trophy. The game mode, character and car you are using don’t matter. You can check your progress in the main menu under the tab trophies.
Drop off 100 customers
► Pick up 100 customers and drive them to the wanted destination to unlock this trophy. You will also unlock the Va Veloce and GO FAST?. The game mode, character and car you are using don’t matter. You can check your progress in the main menu under the tab trophies.
Play for one hour as Vinny
Time Limited
►After choosing one of the 3 game modes, Arcade, Pro Mode, or Freeroam you have to choose one of the two available characters. Vinny and Cleo. Choose Vinny (the man on the left side) and play one hour to unlock this trophy. The game mode and car you are using don’t matter. You don’t have to be active, you can stand anywhere on the map for one hour to unlock this trophy.
Play for one hour as Cleo
Time Limited
►After choosing one of the 3 game modes, Arcade, Pro Mode, or Freeroam you have to choose one of the two available characters. Vinny and Cleo. Choose Cleo (the woman on the right side) and play one hour to unlock this trophy. The game mode and car you are using don’t matter. You don’t have to be active, you can stand anywhere on the map for one hour to unlock this trophy.


6 thoughts on “TAXI CHAOS – Trophy Guide”

  1. I think you did a little mistake in your guide by swapping the trophy explanation for Generic Motors Company & TXI 4R.

    Anyway, I got the platinum with your help, thank you. Keep up the great work.

  2. Hi,
    Thanks for the guide!
    I’m looking for arcade missions to unlock 450GT but have no idea what they really are.
    Could you update the guide maybe?


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